Rust Op Twist
The island of St. Croix was divided by Dutch settlers into large private plantations. Since the collapse of the sugar cane industry, many off the plantations have been parceled off and sold, but the original plantation names persist. Our yellow house is one of two houses on the plantation Rust Op Twist. Our address is 96 Rust Op Twist, meaning our house stands on plot 96 of the Rust Op Twist plantation. Up on the hill you can see the intact stone base of the plantation's windmill - used to power the cane mill.
Our house lies in the middle of a small cove protected by a barrier reef. Between the reef and the shore (~200 yards) beds of sea grass are home to three green-back sea turtles, numberous eels, crabs, and juvinile fish.
The upstairs portion of the house is available for short term vacation rental. go here for more details and contact info: